Worship Leader

Frost Baptist Church | Frost, TX

Posted Date 11/08/2024
First Posted11/08/2024

Job Description:

Title: Worship Leader

Part-time (10-20 hours per week)

Reports to Sr. Pastor


Lead congregation in worship with the praise team on Sunday mornings (mostly contemporary but do like hymns still) and Wednesday evenings.

Lead weekly practices for praise team (singers and band with drums, keyboard, bass, and guitars)

Supervise and work with the sound and A/V team

Help the pastor by giving music and worship leadership and coordination during holidays, funerals, weddings, and other special events

Highest Level of Education Required
High School
Minimum Experience in Years
Our church/ministry is not affiliated with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention.
Our church/ministry understands and affirms the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
Southern Baptist TEXAN Announcement (max 50 words). Must include the church’s contact information for applicants, whether FT/PT, and the City/State.
Frost Baptist Church in Frost, TX is praying for a person to lead our congregation part-time in worship on Sundays and Wednesday evenings. We are mostly contemporary using a praise team which includes a band. This person will also help the pastor with leadership to coordinate during holidays, weddings, funerals, and other special events. Contact us at frostbaptist@gmail.com.

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