
Big Bend Church | Terlingua, TX

Posted Date 12/28/2024
First Posted1/09/2022

Small Church, Desert Location, Seeks Bi-Vocational, Bi-Lingual Pastor


Big Bend Church (BBC) is located on the TX/MX border in the community of Terlingua. The closest amenities (other than a gas station and convince store) are 90 miles north, in Alpine, TX. The nearest Walmart is 150 miles in Ft. Stockton, TX. Only apply if you are open to these living challenges!

The Bi-Voctional Pastor with focus on the following qualifications:


  • Born again and have a personal testimony of his personal conversion and commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  • Align with the Southern Baptist Doctrines of Faith (Baptist Faith and Message).
  • Committed to integrity and accountability to those he serves.
  • Biblical qualifications for an elder (1 Timothy 3; Titus 1; 1 Peter 5:1-4).
  • Have a clear and open calling to serve the Lord in Pastoral Ministry.
  • A man who can rightly divide the Word of God, II Timothy 2:15
  • Theological perspective that is conservative, and adherent to the inerrancy of the whole Word of God.
  • Public speaking ability (effective communicator).
  • Ability to submit to and implement policies decided by the Church Body.
  • Strong leadership gift, skills and abilities.
  • Computer compentancy helpful
Sr/Lead Pastor
Highest Level of Education Required
Minimum Experience in Years
Our church/ministry is affiliated with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention.
Our church/ministry understands and affirms the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
Southern Baptist TEXAN Announcement (max 50 words). Must include the church’s contact information for applicants, whether FT/PT, and the City/State.
Small Church, Desert Location, Seeks Bi-Vocational, Bi-Lingual Pastor Big Bend Church (BBC) is located on the TX/MX border in the community of Terlingua. The closest amenities (other than a gas station and convince store) are 90 miles north, in Alpine, TX. The nearest Walmart is 150 miles in Ft. Stockton, TX. Only apply if you are open to these living challenges!

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