Pastor Job Description
Cherokee Baptist Church
Cherokee Texas
Principle Function:
The pastor is responsible to the church to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, to teach the biblical revelation, to engage in pastoral care ministries, to provide administrative leadership in all areas of church life, and to act as the chief administrator and supervisor of the paid staff.
1. To minister through well-prepared sermons; to lead in the observance of church ordinances; to regularly visit with members and prospects where there is a need; to provide pastoral care in crisis situations; to provide administrative and organizational leadership; and to improve pastoral skills through continued study.
2. To be available and provide contact information during the week and while away from the church field.
3. To lead in worship services, in evangelistic outreach efforts, in the development of Christian education programs and in the administrative work of the church in cooperation with the church’s leaders.
4. We are an autonomous church guided by the Holy Spirit. The Deacons and Church Body rely on the Holy Bible and when needed, seek assistance from the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message, the SBTC and the Heart of Texas Baptist Network and expect the same of our pastor.
5. To cooperate with civic and community organizations and with compatible interdenominational endeavors.
6. To work with deacons, church officers, and committees as they perform their assigned responsibilities; and to train and lead the deacons in a program of ministries.
7. To conduct appropriate pastoral counseling; to perform wedding ceremonies; and to conduct funerals.
8. To act as moderator of church business meetings.
9. To serve as chief administrator and supervise the work of assigned paid staff workers.
10. To spend proper time and energy with family to assure these important relationships remain healthy and continue to grow.