The Ideal Candidate will:
Have a commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and has been Baptized by immersion;
Exhibit a passion about the Word of God and prayer;
Exhibit a healthy marital relationship with his wife and children that is pleasing to God and sets a good example for others;
Have a sense of calling to the youth ministry and a strong passion for reaching young people for Christ and discipling them;
Be a self-starter and help develop a vision for the youth ministry and growth at Plainview Baptist Church.
Duties Include:
Provide overall direction and coordination for the planning and execution of all youth ministry programs and activities;
Prepare and teach weekly Bible Study lessons and direct youth activities for Sunday mornings, evening and Wednesday evening for all youth, grades 6-12.
To plan, schedule, organize and participate in the summer youth camp annually and other activities;
Attend and participate in church staff and business meetings.
The Position Requires:
Minimum of a High School Diploma or qualifying GED certificate or home school equivalent;
Minimum of two (2) years of relevant work directly with youth and youth activities in a Baptist Church environment; or completion of an associate degree in general education plus one (1) year of relevant work;
Satisfactory Security Check with no felony or misdemeanor convictions excluding minor traffic violations;
Applicants are requested to provide at least three (3) letters of references.