Full-Time Youth Pastor
Trinity Baptist Church 1641 FM 325 Lufkin, Texas 75901
steve.trinitybc@gmail.com (pastor’s email)
Reports to Sr. Pastor
A competitive salary will be offered upon hiring.
Position Description: Lead the Student Ministry in developing, coordinating, and facilitating a comprehensive ministry that will reach students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, make disciples of students and engage the parents of students, while providing leadership and supervision for all aspects of our Student Ministry.
Trinity Baptist Church is not associated with the Southern Baptist Convention nor the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. TBC is an Independent Baptist Church, but we do understand and affirm the Baptist Faith and Message.
TBC Youth Pastor Questionnaire
Full Name -
Name you prefer to be called -
Birthdate -
E-mail -
Phone -
Single / Married / Engaged (details)
Personal Facebook Page:
Please paste a link to an online sermon video or audio of your preaching/teaching: (if available)